Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Calling

I am the new Den Mother/leader for the Wolfs
It will be something new but I am VERY excited!!


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that was your calling. You will love it, that was my calling for 2 years and it is pretty fun - you will be great. Dylan was happy to have baby Carter there.

WRYUN said...

Sweet Gig!! I can't say I'd really enjoy it myself, but I'm sure you'll be great and the kiddos will love you!

It's a Boy!!! said...

Welcome to the Scout party!!! It's very fun and usually pretty easy.

Amy said...

You will be FANTASTIC!!! What a GREAT calling! The cub scouts is such an amazing place to be! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

dgmthrof4 said...

That is awesome! I am our cubmaster and have been for more than a year. I always wanted to be a boy growing up--watching my brother be a scout, my mom a leader and my dad as the cub master & scout master. This is the closest I will get. If you have questions, I can do my best to answer them. Congratulations!