so we could get her registered for Kindergarten.
She was not happy because on the first shot she
jerked away and the needle went in a little to far and
hit her bone. OUCH!
So then on Wednesday we hit up the park with
some friends from the ward. Brynn just loves to
go to the park. Especially if there is water.
Thursday started REALLY early. Hailey woke me up
at 4:00 in the morning with throwup everywhere. She
had gotten up to get a drink and was sitting at the table
when as she says " It exploded out of my mouth" she
was so upset because it landed on her homework packet
that she had just finished.
Later that same day she was laying down reading
and fell asleep. I guess when you wake up that early
you go to bed real early. (this is 4:30 in the evening)
she slept until the next morning.
Brynn and her BIG DOG HARLEY! Brynn just
is in love with him. They are best friends. Harley
will even play BARBIES with her. The other day
I saw him with something bright pink around his
neck it ended up being a barbie stuck in his collar.
He was just laying there while Brynn just played.
Poor little girlie! Did she have the flu? I think Spencer is going to be a major water baby. He loves the bathtub. How is the baby doing? Are you getting nervous?
not nervous just really excited.
we are coming to utah in july then you guys can see him.
Yay! Make sure you post pics!! I got the "paper kit" from digi free. I then got the instructions from i also use this photo program called gimp. it's a free one you can download, it takes a bit to get used to it, but I like it. once i figured out how to do it, it became really easy.
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