Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oh So Cute

So I found this cute clothing site (blog stalking) Look how cute and soft they look.
I'm getting this in the powder blue pants, white shirt and then his name on it.


Sarah Bogh said...

so whats the web site?

Allyson said...

oh ha ha... it's

It's a Boy!!! said...

i see you're getting a white shirt...does that mean Tide Sticks really work?

Allyson said...

yeah tide stick really are good for when you are out and about. just make sure you don't put them in the luandry for the rest of the week. try and wash it soon. Sometimes it can leave a little oil looking mark if you waite to wash the item. but i've only had that happen 1 time. It got spaghetti out of hailey's shirt.