So Hailey and Brynn tried to pull a trick on us. It started out like this...
"mom and dad stay in your room so we can prepare our trick"
Five minutes later we hear this scream (not a frantic scream more like
a i'm fighting with my sister scream) So we just kind of ignored it, well then
Hailey and Brnn come SKIPPING into our room and yell I'M BLEEDING!!!!
Well I got a little mad because there was blood or I mean Ketchup dripping
on the floor.
So here is a picture of our little pranksters in the tub...Brynn is so proud
(you can't tell huh) of the job she did putting the ketchup on Hailey's arms and legs.
April Fools!! I told Ryan we had an outstanding bill for Primary Children's for over 7,000 that insurance wouldn't cover, and they were going to take us to collections if we didn't pay right away. He about crapped his pants. It was good. To delete something, log in, and go to posting, then edit, and on the right side of the page, you will see the number of comments, click on it, and it will pull it up with a little trash can next to it. You can delete it from there. Thanks for the tips.
Fake blood and a bathtub sound a little like a "Psycho" movie remake. That's quite the creative (and messy)little prank.
That's hilarious. what a couple of pranksters.
Those are some clever girls, I am impressed
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